Monday, January 13, 2014

1st Blog Anniversary :)

Hey everyone!
i'm back again! ^^
sorry that i can't update frequently because i'm now in my senior year
And starts busy with school..
Busy with my preparation for National Exam and Final School Exam ㅠㅠ
미안해요 여러분들!! *bows*

Today is my blog's 1st Anniversary!!
I hope i can do my best!
I want to work hard more for this blog!
And i hope all of you support me and also keep reading my blog!!


정말 감사해요!!
Thank you so much for all viewers/readers!!!

So sorry that my GFC's widget is error ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I'm gonna ask someone how to fix it soon!!

I don't know what to say..
Kind of speechless really..

Any of you who want to know me just follow me and mention me on twitter @jcklnt0616 or @Jackl1n_Tan
And if you wan to ask me, you can ask any question at here>>> jcklnt0616

Here is my selca LOLOLOL!! xD

See you again~